Intertec and Centriqe Launch Profitedge AI Based Profitability Platform

Dubai, UAE: Intertec Systems, a leading IT services specialist headquartered in Dubai the launch of Centriqe (, based in Silicon Valley, California, US and ProfitEdge a leader in AI-driven business profitability solutions to offer predictive and prescriptive Gross Operating Profitability (GOP).

Centriqe Inc. offers a cutting-edge AI based ProfitEdge platform on the leading cloud platforms.

“Intertec has laid a solid foundation and commitment in our AI based ProfitEdge-a business profitability system to help retailers with predictive and corrective profitability of the business. The ProfitEdge platform harvests data from various sources in the real time for corrective actions to improve profitability” said Alakh Verma, CEO, Centriqe Inc.

Naresh Kothari, MD & President, Intertec Systems said, “we see huge potential of AI based ProfitEdge solutions not only in the Middle East but globally across industry sectors, and Centriqe has all the necessary skills and resources to deploy and help our business grow across the globe. The ProfitEdge meets with our vision to go global with their presence in the Silicon Valley, CA, USA. It will provide our customers with predictable insights and profitability leveraging AI and Intelligent Process Automation, concluded Mr. Kothari.

Source: TahawulTech